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Recommended List | Macbook Logic Board Repair Tools List

2023. szeptember 14. - phonefix7180

NAOMI:article froms PHONEFIX

When the logic board on your iMac , Macbook Pro, or Macbook Air fails, or if it has been liquid damaged, we can fix it!

Motherboards / logic boards are printed circuit boards which allow all components to communicate to each other. If one component fails usually the whole motherboard fails. Each component has a unique function to carry out.

A microscope is required to see the components in order to fault diagnose. Replacing the faulty components is not as easy it may sound because firstly, you have to know which IC or filter is faulty. To find the faulty part,  motherboard schematics are used. Once the faulty chip is identified, the next stage is to remove the faulty component and solder the new chip in its place.

This is much cheaper than spending hundreds of pounds on replacement salvaged parts,  normally second hand from eBay sellers, or posting your valuable computer to some company in London who you don`t know.

MIcro Soldering Iron

Soldering iron is an inseparable part of a Macbook logic board repair tool kit. The responsibility of the Soldering iron is to generate the heat that is needed to melt the solder, which is a metal alloy that is used for creating the permanent bond between multiple metal pieces or to separate a piece of metal from the other.

The tool comes with two parts – a metal tip that can be heated and an insulated handle to grab the tool. This soldering iron comes in handy repairs and installation, and limited assembly of electronics. Thus, this is one of the most vital tools needed for Macbook logic board repairs. 

Micro Soldering Pencil

Technically speaking, a micro soldering pencil is the same as a micro soldering iron, and carries out the same task as the micro soldering iron. There is one difference though, between the two.

While the soldering iron is used to deal with relatively bigger circuits, specialists conducting Macbook repairs in Prospector or other Adelaide suburbs would use a micro soldering pencil to deal with spare parts and circuits that are too small to be soldered by the normal soldering iron .

Soldering Tips 

The soldering tips are the top most detachable portions of the soldering irons. These are pointed stuff, and are available in extremely thinner dimensions. The Macbook’s logic board is made up of innumerable microscopic internal components that can be dealt with under the microscope only and only by these immensely finer tips.

2UUL Solder Paste

This is not a tool strictly speaking, but s paste, which is a mixture of finely powdered soldering metal, which comes as minute flux and spheres. The main function of this paste is to connect the components of the PCB or printed circuit board. The techies would apply the paste directly to the logic board and then the components are carefully put at the respective places manually. 

Hot Air Station 

This is another very important micro soldering component that is needed by the specialists conducting Macbook repair in Golden Grove. Also termed as a hot air gun, it is basically a heating tool,which is used for melting the existing soler. This device applies heat and once the soldering melts, they loosen up and can be easily removed or appropriately placed as per the requirements.

These are the tools sans which, it is impossible to conduct micro soldering the logic boards of Macbook.

Hope our recommendations can be helpful to you, if you have any questions, please give us feedback, we are from the PHONEFIX team.

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